
The voltage stabilizer IP-5 with the function of u - Cтабилизатор напряжения ИП-5 - Блок резисторов контактный БРК-001
IP-5 is designed for electric power supply of lamp circuits and auxiliary equipment of mine trolley locomotives and converts DC voltage 250 V into stabilized constant voltage 24 V with load current 10 А.
IP-5 output is protected against short-circuit protection on the side of load. Coefficient of efficiency under nominal values of input voltage and load current of IP-5 is at least 80%.
The insulating strength ensures nonavailability of insulation breakdown and insulation breakover under test DC voltage 2100 V in normal operating conditions and 1500 V in raised humidity conditions during inspection between input and body, input and output of IP-5.
IP-5 is to be operated under conditions of gravity-type airflow. The operational position is vertical (cable entries downwards); deviations up to 5 degrees from the operational position to any side are permitted. Protection level is 1P54 under GOST 14254-96. Outside surface temperature of IP-5 while working at rated loading does not exceed 50 оС. The average error-free running time is at least 1000 h at the temperature of 25 оС. The average lifetime with account for repairing work is at least 10 years.
Technical characteristics
Serial no. Designation of parameters and dimensions  Unit of measure Value
1. Nominal input voltage V 25+75/-90
2. Nominal output voltage U1 V 24+/-1
3. Load current, nominal value l1 A 10
4. Load current, minimum value A 0
5. Operating level of protection against  current overload
I1 A
 15,06 to 18,0
ll3 1,0
6. Useful current, maximum A 2,5
7. Overall dimensions L/W/H mm 310/182/116
8. Mass, maximum kg 7